How to Lose Belly Fat After Breast Reduction

How to Lose Belly Fat After Breast Reduction

 If you’ve recently undergone breast reduction surgery, you’re probably wondering how to lose belly fat after breast reduction. Though your breast size might have been reduced, the skin that used to hold up those breasts might not be as tight as it once was. If you want to learn how to lose belly fat after breast reduction, here are some tips you can use to help you with this process of reshaping your body’s proportions.

How to Lose Belly Fat After Breast Reduction

how to lose belly fat after breast reduction diet

There’s no magic bullet for weight loss and if you’re trying to lose belly fat, there are countless things that can help. Calories in and calories out, right? Maybe not. Your body has its own sophisticated system that regulates energy expenditure and conservation. And while calorie restriction may be key to losing weight in general, it's not necessarily your ticket out of a potbelly—or butt or thigh fat either.

 There are other factors at play—your age, activity level, hormones, genetics—that will determine how much belly fat you have and what sort of diet is best for your body composition and health goals. If you're looking to get rid of belly fat after breast reduction surgery, here are some simple ways to keep your gut flat.

Have realistic expectations

It’s important to know that you probably won’t lose all of your belly fat right away. You may lose a little bit of weight, and then some. But by focusing on how you feel, and eating healthy foods (including lots of fruits and veggies), you will help your body start burning away belly fat and continue making progress toward becoming one of those women who can look in the mirror and smile at what they see there.

 And remember—you are making progress! All your efforts are working toward something good! It may not be as fast as you’d like, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening for you. So be patient with yourself...and give yourself a chance to get used to your new look.

Eat right, train right, and rest right

Diet, exercise, and sleep are three pillars of health. We can’t skimp on any of them if we want our bodies to work optimally. You’ll notice that you feel better when you’re eating healthier and sleeping more—and that happens for a reason. Nowhere is it written that having a flat belly is an automatic perk of being healthy, but having all your systems in proper working order certainly doesn’t hurt! So, next time you reach for seconds or eat past dinnertime, remember why you don’t need it—and opt for keeping your current waistline instead.

Decrease stress

Stress increases cortisol, which makes you more likely to store belly fat. To get a flat stomach after breast reduction, you'll need to decrease stress as much as possible. Try meditating daily and setting aside some time each day for exercise—even if it's just a short walk. Not only will exercise help your body release excess cortisol, but it also helps boost your levels of feel-good hormones like serotonin and dopamine. Talk with friends and family or join a support group so you have someone else counting on you when your stress levels are high.

Track your progress regularly

Remember, there are a lot of ways to lose belly fat. Exercise and eating right can help you lose inches off your waistline. Losing pounds takes time and effort, but it's worth it in terms of improved health and an enhanced appearance. Regularly monitor your progress so that you stay motivated. If you find that your weight loss is slowing down or plateauing, consider changing your exercise routine or diet so that you're incorporating more effective strategies for losing belly fat. You should also see a primary care physician for regular checkups to ensure that medications aren't causing harmful side effects due to weight loss.